Welcome to Lexington Public Schools Special Education Department where every child, regardless of abilities, is welcomed, and honored. Our team works collaboratively with our families and students to build trust, and to ensure individualized programming that is geared toward student’s strengths and abilities. We look forward to working together with you to build a successful educational experience for your child.
Robin Einspahr Sara Oberg CCC-SLP Maria Salas
Early Inclusive Interventionist Speech Language Pathologist Early Inclusive Paraprofessional
Lindsy Albrecht Lyndi Miller Elizabeth Wilson
ESU#10 ESU#10 ESU#10
EDN Service Coordinator EDN Service Coordinator EDN Service Coordinator
Maura Rabe, OTR/L Skyler Roemmich PT/DPT Kristine Einspahr
Occupational Therapist Physical Therapist School Psychologist
Nicole Lopez Kendra Myers Tesla Nelson
Early Inclusive Interventionist Early Inclusive Interventionist Early Inclusive Interventionist
Kristine Einspahr Sara Oberg CCC-SLP Cassie Kreitman OTR/L
School Psychologist Speech Language Pathologist Occupational Therapist
Ashley Diaz Bradi Stieb Emily Weitzenkamp
Special Education Teacher Special Education Teacher Special Education Teacher
Amy Schroeder, CCC-SLP Cassie Kreitman OTR/L
Speech Language Pathologist Occupational Therapist
Skyler Roemmich, PT/DPT Josey Blessin
Physical Therapist School Psychologist
Leah Keaschall Mariah Neill Jennifer Brockmeier
Special Education Teacher Special Education Teacher Special Education Teacher
Caitlyn Boryca, CCC-SLP Hilary Klammer
Speech Language Pathologist School Psychologist
Maura Rabe, OTR/L Skyler Roemmich, P
Occupational Therapist Physical Therapist
Lori Pflaster Chloe Carlson Gabbie Renderos
Special Education Teacher Special Education Teacher Special Education Teacher
STARS Program 2nd Grade 3rd Grade
Blaike Edeal Jenna Van Haute, CCC-SLP Kristine Einspahr
Special Education Teacher Speech Language Pathologist School Psychologist
Maura Rabe, OTR/L Skyler Roemmich, PT/DPT
Occupational Therapist Physical Therapist
Julie Samson Emma Stahlecker Michelle Pratt
Special Education Teacher Special Education Teacher Special Education Teacher
Lori Shutts CCC-SLP Josey Blessin Maura Rabe, OTR/L
Speech Language Pathologist School Psychologist Occupational Therapist
Skyler Roemmich, PT/DPT
Physical Therapist
Audrey Feeney Carrie Stallbaumer Derek Persson
Special Education Teacher Special Education Teacher Special Education Teacher
6th Grade 6th Grade 7th Grade
Chuck Foster Emmily Monrroe
Special Education Teacher Special Education Teacher
7th Grade 8th Grade
Erin Haines Micki Lauby Ann Osborn, CCC-SLP
Special Education Teacher Special Education Teacher Speech Language Pathologist
Developmental Learning Program STARS Program 6th Grade
Stacy Strauss CCC-SLP Josey Blessin Skyler Roemmich PT-DPT
Speech-Language Pathologist School Psychologist Physical Therapist
7-8th Grade
Becky Archer Abbie Benson Mary Reimers
Special Education Teacher Special Education Teacher Special Education Teacher
Tara Fouts Kiley Labs Kathy Halouska
Special Education Teacher Special Education Teacher Special Education Teacher
Hilary Klammer, Ed.S., NCSP Stacy Strauss, CCC-SLP Maura Rabe, OTR/L
School Psychologist Speech-Language Pathologist Occupational Therapist
Skyler Roemmich, PT/DPT
Physical Therapist
Special Education services are provided to all students with a verified disability who reside in the Lexington Public School district. These services are provided from birth through the age of 21 or until graduation requirements are met. Special education programs and services are integrated within each of the seven buildings in the Lexington Public Schools.
A continuum of services and programs are available, depending on the needs of each individual child. The goal of special education is to enable children with unique learning needs to reach their full potential. Every effort is made to maintain all students in classrooms with their age-appropriate peers in the least restrictive environment. Special educators collaborate with classroom teachers as they problem-solve strategies that will support the unique learning needs of each student.
It is the policy of the Board of Education not to discriminate against any otherwise qualified individual with a disability solely by reason of his/her disability, in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, any program or activity.
It is the intent of the district to ensure that students who are disabled within the definition of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 are identified, evaluated and provided with appropriate educational services. Students may be disabled under this policy even though they do not require services pursuant to the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA).
Due process rights of students with disabilities and their parents under Section 504 will be enforced.
Mrs. Christa Anderson is the coordinator of the Section 504 activities.
It is never to early to begin to help your child learn and achieve to the best of his or her ability.
Our Early Intervention program serves children birth to 5 years, who have a verified disability. Lexington Public Schools Early Intervention Special Education teacher is Robin Einspahr. Most children will reach developmental milestones of communication skills, motor skills, social skills, and thinking skills within an average child’s learning range. If you have any concerns about your child’s development and your child is Birth to age 2 years please contact 308-237-2280 for Services Coordination Early Development Network and if your child is age 3 to age 5 please contact Robin Einspahr at 308-324-1841.
Referrals can be made to Services Coordination at 1-800-689-7131 or the Office of Student Services at 308-324-1209. The Services Coordinator then works with the educational team to conduct any appropriate assessments to determine eligibility.
Referrals can be made directly to your child’s teacher, to the building principal, or to the Office of Student Services at 308-324-1209.
For children not currently in school, a preschool assessment team will conduct interviews with the parents, observations of the child, and likely administer some assessments to the child to determine eligibility for special education services. The parents are an important member of this Multidisciplinary Team Evaluation.
For school-aged children, the referral goes to a Student Problem Solving Team which gathers input, implements strategies and research based interventions, tracks progress and gathers data and determines when a referral to the Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) is appropriate.
For students who move into the district and have received special education services in the previous district, it is important for parents to bring to the school the child’s Multidisciplinary Team Evaluation Report and Individualized Education Plan from the previous school. The IEP team can then determine the necessary steps to reinstate or continue special education services for the child.
Special Education records will be destroyed on January 31st, 2025 for any former Lexington Public School student in SPED, who has not received special education services for at least six years prior to December 31st, 2024 Former students or parents may request copies of their Special Education records by calling the Lexington Special Education Department at (308) 324-1207 prior to December 16, 2024.
El 31 de enero de 2025 se destruirán los registros de Educación Especial de todo alumno en Educación Especial de las Escuelas Públicas de Lexington que no haya recibido servicios de educación especial durante el espacio de seis años antes del 31 de diciembre de 2023. Los ex alumnos o padres pueden pedir copias de sus registros de educación especial al comunicarse con el Departamento de Educación Especial de Lexington al 308-324-1207 antes del 16 de diciembre de 2024.
Rikoodhyada Waxbarashada Khaaska ah waa layska tuuri doonaa 17ka bisha January, 2025 kuwa ay leeyihiin ardayda horay uga mid ahaan jirtay barnaamijka waxbarashada khaaska ah, kuwaas oonan adeegyada waxbarashada khaaska ah helin ugu yaraan lix sano kahor December 31deeda, 2024. Ardayda ama waalidiinta horay uga mid ahaan jirtay barnaamijka way codsan karaan in ay helaan nuqullo ah rikoodhyada ayakoo wacaya Waaxda Waxbarashada Khaaska ah ee Lexington lambarkoodu yahay (308) 324-1207 kahor December 16keed, 2024 inta aanan la gaarin.
Child Find is a required and continuous process of public awareness activities, screening and evaluation designed to locate, identify, and refer as early as possible all children with disabilities between the ages of birth and twenty-one. Children and youth who are suspected of being in need of an Early Intervention Program or Special Education Program, children between the ages of birth and 21 must meet eligibility guidlines according to Nebraska regulations. For more information about Child Find or to refer a child for eligibility screening for one of these programs, please contact Mrs. Robin Einspahr or Mrs. Angie Kovarik at Lexington Public Schools.
Child Find es un continuo y requerido proceso de actividades de concientización, detecciones y evaluaciones diseñadas para localizar, identificar y referir, lo más temprano posible, a todo niño con discapacidades entre las edades de nacimiento a 21 años de edad. Todo niño o joven del que se sospeche que necesite un Programa de Intervención Temprana, Servicios de Educación Especial Preescolares, o Servicios de Educación Especial para los de edad escolar, deben referirse a las Escuelas Públicas de Lexington. Los niños entre las edades de nacimiento y 21 años de edad deben satisfacer los requistos de elegibilidad en acuerdo con las regulaciones de Nebraska para recibir un Programa de Intervención Temprana, o un Programa de Educación Especial. Para más información sobre Child Find o para referir a un niõ a una investigación de elegibilidad para unos de los programas, favor de comunicarse con la Sra. Robin Einspahr o con la Sra. Angie Kovarik en las Escuelas Públicas de Lexington.
Helida Ilmaha waa loobahanyahay waana hab joogto u ah hawlaha ogaalka dadweynaha, baaritaanka iyo qiimeynta loogu talagalay in la meeleeyo, la soo saaro, loona gudiyo sida ugu dhakhsaha badan dhamman ilmaha naafada ah oo u dhexeeya umusha illaa labaatan iyo kow sano jir. Caruurta iyo dhallinta looga shakiyo inay u baahanyihiin barnaamijka caawinta ilmaha naafada ah oona ku jira heerka gur-guurashada iyo wixii ka yar, adeegyada waxbarashada khaaaska ah ee barbaarinta/xanaanada, ama adeegyada waxbarshada khaaska ah ee ilmaha da’da dugsiga gaaray waa in loo gudbiyaa Dugsiyada Dadweynaha Lexington. Si loo helo barnaamijyada caawinaada ee horey loosoo sheegay, ilmaha ay da’doodu u dhaxeyso umasha illaa 21 sano waa in ay u qalmaan tilmaamaha laga so xiganayo xeeraka Nebraska. Warbixin dheeraad ah oo ku saabsan Helida Ilmaha ama gudbiska ilmaha u galma barnaamijadan mid kamid ah, Fadlan la xariir Marwo Angie Kovarik ama Marwo Robin Einspahr oo laga helo dugsiyada waxbarashada Lexington.
Lexington Public Schools
300 South Washington St
P.O. Box 890
Lexington, NE 68850
Copyright © Lexington Public Schools. All rights reserved.
Lexington Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, marital status, disability, or age or in admission or access to, or treatment of employment or educational programs and activities.
Complaints involving discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, marital status, disability, or age may also be submitted, at any time to the School District’s Title IX/504 coordinator. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the School District’s non-discrimination policies: Angie Kovarik, who may be contacted in writing at 300 South Washington Street, Lexington, NE 68850; by email: angie.kovarik@www.lexschools.org; or by telephone at (308) 324-1209. More information can be found at www.lexschools.org/title-ix/
Any person may also contact the Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, by email at OCR.KansasCity@ed.gov; by telephone at (816) 268-0550; or by fax at (816) 268-0599, regarding compliance with the regulations implementing Title VI, Title IX, Section 504, or any other applicable laws.
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