Lexington Public Schools strives to provide outstanding transportation services for our students. If you would like to request transportation for your student(s) for the 24-25 school year please fill out and return the student transportation request form located below, one for each child. They may be left in the drop box outside the Central Office front door. Transportation requests will be evaluated and daily routes will be set up to benefit the most students.
Bus routes are available in town to shuttle children from their neighborhood school to their attendance center and back to their neighborhood school. As a reminder Kindergarten and 1st grade will be at Morton Elementary, 505 S Lincoln, 2nd & 3rd grade will be at Sandoz Elementary, 1711 N Erie, and 4th & 5th grade will be at Pershing Elementary, 1104 N Tyler. Bryan will remain K-5 dual language and transportation is not provided. Rural routes are available for non-option students living more than 4 miles from the nearest attendance center.
Students planning to attend the After School Academy must do so at their attendance building only, no busing will be provided after Academy.
Students approved to ride the bus must have a SmartTag. Students must have their SmartTag prior to riding the bus, the tag must be attached to the student’s daily backpack. All requests for changes in student transportation must be submitted to the business office one week prior to when the change is requested to take place. SmartTag is our student tracking system that uses RFID cards to track student ridership. Students will scan their card when getting on and off the school bus. One free card will be issued only to new students riding a daily route bus, all replacement bus passes will be $5 per card. All students attending Bryan, Morton, Pershing, and Sandoz, will have a backpack tag even if they are not riding a bus, these will be delivered to your child’s school and placed on their bag, they will not be available for pick up at the Central Office.
The Lexington Public Schools Activity Coordinator/Maintenance is
The Lexington Public Schools District Bus Coordinator is
Lexington Public Schools strives to provide safe, quality transportation. In order to keep our focus on safety, we do not want student behavior to distract our drivers. Please review the following bus riding guidelines with your students. Thank you for your cooperation.
1. Be on time
2. You must bring your bus pass every day
3. Always follow the drivers instructions
4. Stay in your seat at all times
5. Always use a quiet voice when talking is allowed
6. Keep your hands, feet, and belongings to yourself
7. No eating, drinking, or gum chewing on the bus
8. Always be A Safe Rider
9. Transportation changes must be requested prior to one business day before.
10. If your child will not be riding the bus, you must contact Keri at 308-324-1203
Bus drivers are instructed to issue one reminder to a student and if the student fails to respond appropriately or repeats the behavior, drivers are to report the matter to the school official who will then either establish consequences and/or contact the parents/guardians.
Thank you for your cooperation in helping us to safely transport all students.
Lexington Public Schools
300 South Washington St
P.O. Box 890
Lexington, NE 68850
Copyright © Lexington Public Schools. All rights reserved.
Lexington Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, marital status, disability, or age or in admission or access to, or treatment of employment or educational programs and activities.
Complaints involving discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, marital status, disability, or age may also be submitted, at any time to the School District’s Title IX/504 coordinator. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the School District’s non-discrimination policies: Angie Kovarik, who may be contacted in writing at 300 South Washington Street, Lexington, NE 68850; by email: angie.kovarik@www.lexschools.org; or by telephone at (308) 324-1209. More information can be found at www.lexschools.org/title-ix/
Any person may also contact the Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, by email at OCR.KansasCity@ed.gov; by telephone at (816) 268-0550; or by fax at (816) 268-0599, regarding compliance with the regulations implementing Title VI, Title IX, Section 504, or any other applicable laws.
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