Welcome to Pershing Elementary

Pershing Elementary School serves over 338 students in Grades 4-5. Small classes, averaging 18 students per room, allow teachers to individualize and target instruction for each child. A balanced curriculum is delivered to ALL students. A variety of programs and support services are available including: ELL Newcomer, speech therapy, inclusion, special education, music, band, and counseling. Working with parents, we provide educational opportunities that reflect the needs of every student. Parents may have their child participate in after-school programs, Lexington Academy or after school tutoring, to extend learning opportunities. We utilize a Response to Intervention model to identify and monitor children with learning delays and plan interventions to meet their needs. Teachers are involved in Professional Learning Communities to review classroom assessments and plan lessons to improve learning outcomes for our children.


It is the policy of Lexington Public Schools not to discriminate on the basis of gender, disability, race, color, religion, marital status, age or national origin in its education programs, administration, policies, employment or other district programs.


Students exercise before school begins each morning on our playground here at Pershing. Since we started this process, we have noticed traffic safety concerns in getting students across to the playground and back into the building with Tyler street being left open. Therefore, we close the gates in the morning to allow students safe passage to the playground.


In order to provide safety for our students, we will close our gates on Tyler Street during the morning only. Tyler Street gates will be open after school. Please drop-off students around the perimeter of the playground area, or the north or south side of Pershing. The east side is used for buses to drop-off and pick-up students.


Thank you for helping keep our students safe.

Our Mission Statement

"To develop capable and responsible lifelong learners.  With the cooperation of family, school and community, we will prepare students for the global challenges and the opportunities of the future."

“To develop capable and responsible lifelong learners.  With the cooperation of family, school and community, we will prepare students for the global challenges and the opportunities of the future.”



Enrollment: 317

Free/Reduced Priced Meals: 81%

English Language Learners: 36%

Gifted: 4%

Student Membership by Race

Year 2022-2023
American Indian/Alaska Native 1%
Asian <1%
Black or African American 17%
Hispanic 69%
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 1%
White 11%
Two or More Races <1%

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