Plan for Safe Return
Lexington Public Schools
Unelevated Risk
UPDATED: August 10, 2021
This plan has been updated for the start of the 2021-2022 school year, but will be continuously reviewed and revised as necessary. There is currently no declared State of Emergency for Nebraska or Directed Health Measure (DHM) in effect that requires the District to mandate masks or other specific interventions.
Lexington Public Schools (“District”) will begin the school year with the safety protocols described below.
This plan was written taking into account a broad base of stakeholder input and public comment, including the consultation of local medical providers, parents, and staff.
It shall be posted to the District’s website: on August 10, 2021.
It is accessible in the languages of English, Spanish, and Somali, but can be translated into other languages as requested, or reformatted for persons with disabilities.
This plan will be reviewed at least every six months and revised as necessary taking into account input from members of the public, local medical providers, public health agencies, and the Centers for Disease Control (“CDC”). Any revisions will be publicly available on the District’s website.
The District shall maintain records of the people involved in writing this plan; and document input received about, changes to, posting locations of, and policies referenced within, this plan.
Plan Contents
i. Masking
Masks shall be optional for students, staff, and visitors. The District shall provide masks to students and staff who wish to wear them, and will make our best effort to work with parents to reinforce their wishes concerning their children’s mask-wearing in school. Students, staff, and drivers may be required to wear masks on school buses and in other District vehicles if directed by the Nebraska Department of Education. If masks are required on vehicles, they must cover the nose and mouth.
Upon entering buildings, parents and visitors shall be required to perform a self- check for COVID symptoms. If they are symptomatic, they will not be allowed to enter.
ii. Physical distancing
Physical distancing will be maximized to the greatest extent feasible while considering the educational needs of students.
iii. Handwashing and respiratory etiquette
Frequent hand-washing and/or use of hand sanitizer will be practiced in all buildings. Students shall be instructed to wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. When handwashing is unavailable, hand sanitizer shall be used. Students and staff shall be instructed to cover their mouths and noses while coughing or sneezing with a tissue when masks are not worn; and to immediately wash their hands after blowing their noses.
iv. Cleaning and maintaining healthy facilities, including improving ventilation
The District will increase the frequency of cleaning and disinfecting buildings using EPA-approved detergents and disinfectants. Cleaning staff will be trained on the use of various cleaning agents, the use of PPE, and other relevant safety protocols.
Buildings will be cleaned at least once daily and high touch surfaces more frequently as needed. The District will work collaboratively with its cleaning contractor to ensure cleaning staff are trained and apprised of recommended practices. When possible, the District will increase the introduction of outdoor air and/or higher SEER filtration to improve ventilation and indoor air quality. Student transportation vehicles will be sanitized at the beginning and end of every shift using EPA-approved disinfectants.
The District will provide students in grades pK-5 with water bottles to reduce the risk of transmission.
v. Contact tracing in combination with isolation and quarantine, in collaborations with the state, local, territorial, or Tribal health departments
The District will comply with privacy laws and the recommended protocols for quarantine and isolation of either the Two Rivers Public Health Department or the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services. The District shall follow the NSAA guidance concerning school activities. An internal tracking document has been created to record the dates, medical orders, and isolation requirements for students and staff across the District, accessible only to authorized District personnel and the Two Rivers Public Health Department. The District will use its website to publish the most current recommendations concerning quarantine and isolation as well as utilize its communications system (email, text, voice) and translation services to inform households.
Students and staff who show symptoms of COVID will be encouraged to stay home. Those symptoms will be communicated to students, their families, and staff in multiple translations using the District’s website, social media platforms, and communications system. Available substitute teachers will be identified and principals will assist in developing staffing plans to cover the classrooms of quarantined or isolated staff members.
vi. Diagnostic testing and screening testing
The District shall refer students and staff having COVID symptoms to community diagnostic testing locations. If diagnostic or screening testing is recommended and becomes available in schools, the District will avail its facilities to students and staff who provide informed consent, and provide training to school nurses who may be able to assist in testing. Rate of community transmission will be monitored to determine whether asymptomatic screening is warranted. The District will use its website to publish the most current recommendations concerning quarantine and isolation as well as utilize its website, social media platforms, communications system, and translation services to apprise households.
vii. Efforts to provide vaccinations in school communities
The District will continue to work collaboratively with the Two Rivers Public Health Department, local medical providers, and other community leaders to promote and disseminate information on vaccinations to students, staff, and the community at large. The District will continue to avail its website, social media platforms, communications systems, message translation services, and facilities toward this effort.
viii. Appropriate accommodations for children with disabilities with respect to health and safety policies
The District will accommodate exceptions to COVID protocols as permitted by a student’s IEP or 504 team decisions.
ix. Coordination with State and local health officials. Including the needs for support and technical assistance to implement strategies consistent to the greatest extent practicable, with relevant CDC guidance
District personnel will continue to participate in weekly information-sharing sessions with local health care providers, the Two Rivers Public Health Department, and other community leaders. District administrators will continue to participate in regular state education department and governor briefings.
Continuity of Services
Student Academic Needs. The District has invested in iPads, wireless connectivity, academic and organizational software, and student and staff training to ensure continuity of instruction should in-person learning not be possible. Students will continue to be provided accommodations as stated in their IEP/504 plans during remote learning. Parent input will be sought to develop a plan for the provision of remote IEP services. Student progress will be reviewed by the student’s team when in person learning resumes.
Social emotional, mental health, physical health, and food service. The District is implementing a social-emotional universal screener for students and staff beginning in the 2021-2022 school year. A social, behavioral and emotional approach using evidence-based curriculum, professional development, and interventions will be implemented. Additional staff have been put in place to help support the mental health needs of all staff and students. School counselors and mental health support staff will be available for any students or staff in need of assistance.
Date Approved by Board: August 9, 2021
Plan for Safe Return
Lexington Public Schools
Elevated Risk
UPDATED: August 10, 2021
This plan was written taking into account a broad base of stakeholder input and public comment, including the consultation of local medical providers, parents, and staff.
The superintendent is authorized to implement this plan at any time based on exigent circumstances involving the outbreak of COVID-19.
It shall be posted to the District’s website: by August 10, 2021.
It is accessible in the languages of English, Spanish, and Somali, but can be translated into other languages as requested, or reformatted for persons with disabilities.
This plan will be reviewed at least every six months and revised as necessary taking into account input from members of the public, local medical providers, public health agencies, and the Centers for Disease Control (“CDC”). Any revisions will be publicly available on the District’s website.
The District shall maintain records of the people involved in writing this plan; and document input received about, changes to, posting locations of, and policies referenced within, this plan.
Plan Contents
i. Universal and Safe Wearing of Masks
In the event of another COVID outbreak, grades preK-12 will be required to wear fabric or cloth masks or other approved face coverings at all times including in school vehicles, during class, during passing periods, in lunch lines, and during any other times that social distancing is not possible. Exceptions may be made only as required by law, such as based upon the decisions of a student’s IEP or 504 teams, or as otherwise necessary such as while eating or drinking.
Masks must be worn over both the nose and mouth at all times, and students and staff will be instructed not to touch the outside of the mask as well as how to safely and effectively put on and take off the mask or face covering. School staff shall model correct and consistent mask use.
If the wearing of masks is a rule adopted by the school board, similar to any other health and safety or dress code rules, students who refuse to wear masks will face consequences consistent with the District’s student discipline policies. Mask wearing is currently included as a possible requirement in District handbooks in the event this plan is implemented.
Parents may provide an approved face covering for their children, but the District will have them available at no cost to the student.
Staff will also be required to wear approved face coverings when not teaching, and to the extent possible when teaching. Special circumstances may constitute not wearing a face covering during the school day.
Students will be required to wear masks on school buses, and may be required to wear them at recess and during secondary extra-curricular activities, depending on CDC and/or guidance from the Two Rivers Public Health District (“TRPHD”).
Unnecessary traffic into buildings by visitors, vendors, etc. will be eliminated. Visitors shall be required to wear masks in school buildings and parents will need to schedule appointments to meet with school staff to reduce the risk of transmission. Upon entering buildings, parents and visitors shall be required to perform a self-check for COVID symptoms. If they are symptomatic, they will not be allowed to enter.
Spectators may also be required to wear masks at indoor and/or outdoor activities as recommended by the Nebraska School Activities Association (“NSAA”).
ii. Modifying facilities to allow for physical distancing (e.g. use of cohorts/podding)
Physical distancing will be maximized to the greatest extent possible, ideally achieving 3 feet of distance between students while seated in classrooms. In large population environments, students may be required to maintain 6 feet of distance from one another if possible. If 6 feet of physical distancing is not possible, in some circumstances students may be assigned to cohort groups to minimize interaction with students in other groups. For example, students may be assigned seats during lunch or assigned to play groups during recess. Large group assemblies and unnecessary trips will be eliminated in the event of an outbreak. Students will be spaced as far apart as possible in school vehicles with ideally one student assigned per row. Windows may be opened, if safe and weather permitting, to improve circulation of fresh air. Students may be required to enter their school buildings through an assigned door and to congregate after school in an assigned location to reduce interaction and possible transmission.
iii. Handwashing and respiratory etiquette
Frequent hand-washing and/or use of hand sanitizer will be enforced in all buildings. The District has an ample inventory of soap, disposable wipes, and hand sanitizer for the 2021-2022 school year.
Handwashing and/or use of hand sanitizer may be required of students before and after breakfast and lunch in all buildings, upon returning from recess at LMS and elementary buildings, and upon entry into a new classroom during period changes in the secondary buildings.
Students shall be instructed to wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. When handwashing is unavailable, hand sanitizer shall be used.
Students and staff shall be instructed to cover their mouths and noses while coughing or sneezing with a tissue when masks are not worn; and to immediately wash their hands after blowing their noses.
iv. Cleaning and maintaining healthy facilities, including improving ventilation
The District will increase the frequency of cleaning and disinfecting buildings using EPA-approved detergents and disinfectants. Cleaning staff will be trained on the use of various cleaning agents, the use of PPE, and other relevant safety protocols.
Buildings will be cleaned at least once daily and high touch surfaces more frequently as needed. CDC guidance will be followed concerning the cleaning of soft surfaces and keyboards, and strategies to reduce spread if/when someone becomes ill will be implemented.
The District will work collaboratively with its cleaning contractor to ensure cleaning staff are trained and apprised of recommended practices.
When possible, the District will also increase the introduction of outdoor air and/or higher SEER filtration to improve ventilation and indoor air quality. Student transportation vehicles will be cleaned at the beginning and end of every shift using EPA-approved disinfectants following CDC-recommended protocols.
Desks will be spread throughout classrooms to maximize spacing with orientation to the front of the classroom.
Food service sandwich and salad bars may be eliminated and water fountains disabled to reduce the potential for COVID spread. Students in grades PK-5 will be provided water bottles to reduce the potential for transmission.
v. Contact tracing in combination with isolation and quarantine, in collaborations with the state, local, territorial, or Tribal health departments
The District will comply with privacy laws and the CDC’s recommended protocols for quarantine and isolation. An internal tracking document has been created to record the dates, medical orders, and isolation requirements for students and staff across the District, accessible only to authorized District personnel and the TRPHD. The TRPHD will be contacted when the District becomes aware of a potential exposure requiring their assistance in contract tracing, and the District will assist the department in contacting close contacts. The District will use its website to publish the most current health department recommendations concerning quarantine and isolation as well as utilize its communications system (email, text, voice) and translation services to inform
Students and staff who show symptoms of COVID will be encouraged to stay home. Those symptoms will be communicated to students, their families, and staff in multiple translations using the District’s website, social media platforms, and communications system. Available substitute teachers will be identified and
principals will assist in developing staffing plans to cover the classrooms of quarantined or isolated staff members.
vi. Diagnostic testing and screening testing
The District shall refer students and staff having COVID symptoms to community diagnostic testing locations. If diagnostic or screening testing is recommended and becomes available in schools, the District will avail its facilities to students and staff who provide informed consent, and provide training to school nurses who may be able to assist in testing. Rate of community transmission will be monitored to determine whether asymptomatic screening is warranted. The District will use its website to publish the most current health department recommendations concerning quarantine and isolation as well as utilize its website, social media platforms, communications system, and translation services to apprise households.
vii. Efforts to provide vaccinations in school communities
The District will continue to work collaboratively with TRPHD, local medical providers, and community leaders to promote and disseminate information on vaccinations to students, staff, and the community at large. The District will continue to avail its website, social media platforms, communications systems, message translation services, and facilities toward this effort.
viii. Appropriate accommodations for children with disabilities with respect to health and safety policies
The District will accommodate exceptions to mask wearing and other mitigation measures only as permitted by a student’s IEP or 504 team decisions. Such students may be further accommodated by placement changes approved by their respective teams. The District has acquired technology to be able to serve some students at home if the need arises and if approved by the respective team.
ix. Coordination with State and local health officials. Including the needs for support and technical assistance to implement strategies consistent to the greatest extent practicable, with relevant CDC guidance
District personnel will continue to participate in weekly information-sharing sessions with local health care providers, TRPHD personnel, and other community leaders. District administrators will continue to participate in regular state education department and governor briefings.
Continuity of Services
Student Academic Needs. The District has invested in iPads, wireless connectivity, academic and organizational software, and student and staff training to ensure continuity of instruction should in-person learning not be possible due to another COVID outbreak. Students will continue to be provided accommodations as stated in their IEP/504 Plans during remote learning. Parent input will be sought to develop a plan for the provision of remote IEP services. Student progress will be reviewed by the student’s team when in person learning resumes.
Social emotional, mental health, physical health, and food service. The District is implementing a social-emotional universal screener for students and staff beginning in the 2021-2022 school year. A social, behavioral and emotional approach using evidence-based curriculum, professional development, and interventions will be implemented. Additional staff have been put in place to help support the mental health needs of all staff and students. In the event of another outbreak, regular communication (using all available modalities) with students will be required of administrators and teaching staff to ensure the safety, academic engagement, and wellness of students. If in-person instruction is not possible, breakfasts and lunches may be provided to students through a USDA approved system. School counselors and mental health support staff will be available online by appointment for any students or staff in need of assistance.
Date Approved by Board: August 9, 2021
Plan para un retorno seguro
Escuelas Públicas de Lexington
Actualizado el 28 de julio de 2021
Contenidos del plan
i. Uso de mascarillas
Las mascarillas serán opcionales para los estudiantes, el personal y los visitantes. El Distrito proporcionará mascarillas a los estudiantes y al personal que deseen usarlas, y hará el mejor esfuerzo por trabajar con los padres para reforzar sus deseos con respecto a que sus hijos usen mascarillas en la escuela. Es posible que se requiera que los estudiantes, el personal y los conductores usen mascarilla en los autobuses escolares y en otros vehículos del Distrito si así lo indica el Departamento de Educación de Nebraska. Si se requieren mascarillas en los vehículos, deben cubrir la nariz y la boca.
ii. Distanciamiento físico
El distanciamiento físico se maximizará en la mayor medida posible teniendo en cuenta las necesidades educativas de los estudiantes.
iii. Lavado de manos y etiqueta respiratoria
Se practicará el lavado de manos frecuente o el uso de desinfectante de manos en todos los edificios. Se instruirá a los estudiantes para que se laven las manos con agua y jabón durante al menos 20 segundos. Cuando no se pueda lavar las manos, se utilizará un desinfectante de manos. Se instruirá a los estudiantes y al personal para que se cubran la boca y la nariz al toser o estornudar con un pañuelo de papel cuando no se usen mascarilla; y a lavarse las manos inmediatamente después de sonarse la nariz.
iv. Se limpiarán y se mantendrán saludables las instalaciones, y se mejorará la ventilación.
El Distrito aumentará la frecuencia de limpieza y desinfección de edificios utilizando detergentes y desinfectantes aprobados por la EPA. Se capacitará al personal de limpieza sobre el uso de varios agentes de limpieza, el uso de EPP y otros protocolos de seguridad relevantes.
Los edificios se limpiarán al menos una vez al día y las superficies de alto contacto con mayor frecuencia según sea necesario. El Distrito trabajará en colaboración con su contratista de limpieza para garantizar que el personal de limpieza esté capacitado e informado sobre las prácticas recomendadas.
Cuando sea posible, el Distrito aumentará la introducción de aire exterior y / o una mayor filtración SEER para mejorar la ventilación y la calidad del aire interior. Los vehículos de transporte de estudiantes se limpiarán al principio y al final de cada turno con detergentes y desinfectantes aprobados por la EPA.
v. Se hará rastreo de contactos en combinación con aislamiento y cuarentena, en colaboración con los departamentos de salud estatales, locales, territoriales o tribales.
El Distrito cumplirá con las leyes de privacidad y los protocolos recomendados para la cuarentena y el aislamiento del Departamento de Salud Pública de Two Rivers o del Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos de Nebraska. Se ha creado un documento de seguimiento interno para registrar las fechas, las órdenes médicas y los requisitos de aislamiento para los estudiantes y el personal en todo el Distrito, accesible solo para el personal autorizado del Distrito y el Departamento de Salud Pública de Two Rivers. El Distrito utilizará su sitio web para publicar las recomendaciones más recientes sobre cuarentena y aislamiento, y también utilizará su sistema de comunicaciones (correo electrónico, texto, voz) y servicios de traducción para informar a los hogares.
Se animará a quedarse en casa a los estudiantes y al personal que muestren síntomas de COVID. Esos síntomas se comunicarán a los estudiantes, sus familias y el personal en múltiples traducciones utilizando el sitio web del Distrito, las plataformas de redes sociales y el sistema de comunicaciones. Se identificarán los maestros sustitutos disponibles y los directores ayudarán a desarrollar planes de personal para cubrir las aulas de los miembros del personal en cuarentena o aislados.
vi. Pruebas de diagnóstico y pruebas de detección.
El Distrito remitirá a los estudiantes y al personal que tengan síntomas de COVID a los lugares de pruebas de diagnóstico de la comunidad. Si se recomiendan pruebas de diagnóstico o de detección y están disponibles en las escuelas, el Distrito aprovechará sus instalaciones para los estudiantes y el personal que brinden su consentimiento informado, y brindará capacitación a las enfermeras escolares que puedan ayudar con las pruebas. Se controlará la tasa de transmisión comunitaria para determinar si se justifica la detección asintomática. El Distrito utilizará su sitio web para publicar las recomendaciones más recientes sobre cuarentena y aislamiento, y también utilizará su sitio web, plataformas de redes sociales, sistemas de comunicación y servicios de traducción para informar a los hogares.
vii. Esfuerzos para proporcionar vacunas en las comunidades escolares
El Distrito seguirá trabajando en colaboración con el Departamento de Salud Pública de Two Rivers, los proveedores médicos locales y otros líderes comunitarios para promover y difundir información sobre las vacunas a los estudiantes, al personal y a la comunidad en general. El Distrito continuará aprovechando su sitio web, plataformas de redes sociales, sistemas de comunicación, servicios de traducción de mensajes e instalaciones para este esfuerzo.
viii. Adaptaciones adecuadas para niños con discapacidades con respecto a las políticas de salud y seguridad.
El Distrito aceptará excepciones a los protocolos de COVID según lo permitan el IEP del estudiante o las decisiones del equipo 504.
ix. Coordinación con funcionarios de salud estatales y locales. Incluir las necesidades de apoyo y asistencia técnica para implementar estrategias consistentes en la mayor medida posible, con la orientación pertinente del CDC.
El personal del distrito continuará participando en sesiones semanales para compartir información con los proveedores de atención médica locales, el Departamento de Salud Pública de Two Rivers y otros líderes comunitarios. Los administradores del distrito seguirán participando en reuniones informativas regulares del gobernador y del departamento de educación del estado.
Continuidad de servicios
Necesidades académicas de los estudiantes. El Distrito ha invertido en iPads, conectividad inalámbrica, software académico y organizacional, y capacitación de estudiantes y personal para garantizar la continuidad de la instrucción si no es posible el aprendizaje en persona. Los estudiantes continuarán recibiendo adaptaciones como se indica en sus planes IEP/504 durante el aprendizaje remoto. Se buscará la opinión de los padres para desarrollar un plan para la provisión de servicios de IEP remotos. El progreso del estudiante será revisado por el equipo del estudiante cuando se reanude el aprendizaje en persona.
Servicio social, emocional, mental, físico y alimentario. El distrito está implementando un evaluador universal socioemocional para los estudiantes y el personal a partir del año escolar 2021-2022. Se implementará un enfoque social, conductual y emocional utilizando un plan de estudios basado en evidencia, desarrollo profesional e intervenciones. Se ha creado personal adicional para ayudar a satisfacer las necesidades de salud mental de todo el personal y los estudiantes. Los consejeros escolares y el personal de apoyo de salud mental estarán disponibles para cualquier estudiante o personal que necesite ayuda.
Dugsiyada Shacabka Lexington
Qorsho Soo Noqosho Amaan Ah
La cusboonaysiiyay 07.28.2021
Nuxurka Qorshaha
i. Xirashada Maaskaraada
Maaskarada waa ikhtiyaar u leh ardayda, shaqaalaha, iyo martida. Degmadu waa inay siisaa maaskaro ardayda iyo shaqaalaha doonaya inay xirtaan, waxayna ku dadaali doonaan dadaalka ugu fiican inaan la shaqeyno waalidiinta si loo xoojiyo rabitaankooda ku saabsan indho-shareerka carruurtooda ee dugsiga. Ardayda, shaqaalaha, iyo wadayaasha baabuurta waxaa laga yaabaa in looga baahdo inay xirtaan waji-duubka basaska iskuulka iyo baabuurta kale ee Degmada haddii ay ku amarto Waaxda Waxbarashada Nebraska. Haddii waji-furka looga baahan yahay baabuurta, waa inay daboolaan sanka iyo afka.
ii. Kala fogaanshaha jirka
Kala fogaanshaha jirka ayaa la gaarsiin doonaa inta ugu macquulsan iyadoo la tixgelinayo baahiyaha waxbarasho ee ardayda.
iii. Dhaqida gacmaha iyo akhlaaqda
Dhaqidda joogtada ah iyo / ama isticmaalka nadaafadda gacmaha ayaa looga dhaqmi doonaa dhammaan dhismayaasha. Ardayda waxaa la farayaa inay ku dhaqaan gacmahooda saabuun iyo biyo ugu yaraan 20 ilbidhiqsi. Marka gacmo-dhaqashada aan la helin, gacmo-nadiifiye ayaa la isticmaali doonaa. Ardayda iyo shaqaalaha waa in la faraa inay ku daboolaan afkooda iyo sankooda inta ay ku qufacayaan ama ku hindhisayaan waraaq marka waji xidhka la xidho; iyo inay isla markiiba dhaqdaan gacmahooda ka dib markay sanka ka duufsadaan.
iv. Nadiifinta iyo dayactirka xarumaha caafimaadka qaba, oo ay kujirto hagaajinta hawo qaadashada
Degmadu waxay kordhin doontaa inta jeer ee nadaafadda iyo jeermiska dhismayaasha iyadoo la isticmaalayo saabuunno iyo jeermis-falayaal EPA-oggolaaday. Shaqaalaha nadaafadda waxaa loo tababbari doonaa adeegsiga wakiillada kala duwan ee nadaafadda, isticmaalka PPE, iyo hab-maamuuska kale ee nabadgelyada khuseeya.
Dhismayaasha waa la nadiifin doonaa ugu yaraan hal mar maalintii iyo meelaha taabashada badan sida ugu badan ee loo baahdo. Degmadu waxay si iskaashi leh ula shaqeyn doontaa qandaraaslaheeda nadaafadda si loo hubiyo in shaqaalaha nadaafadda loo tababaro oo ay ka war helaan dhaqammo lagula taliyay.
Markay suurta gasho, Degmadu waxay kordhin doontaa soo bandhigida hawo banaanka ah iyo / ama sifeyn waxsoosare sare si loo hagaajiyo hawo bixinta iyo tayada hawada gudaha. Gawaarida gaadiidka ardayda waa la fayadhawri doonaa bilowga iyo dhamaadka isbadal kasta iyadoo la isticmaalayo jeermiska EPA ee ay ansaxisay.
v. Xiriirinta raadinta oo ay weheliso go’doomin iyo karantiil, iyadoo lala kaashanayo waaxda caafimaadka gobolka, deegaanka, dhuleed, ama waaxda caafimaadka.
Degmadu waxay u hoggaansami doontaa sharciyada asturnaanta iyo borotokoolka lagu taliyay ee karantiilka iyo go’doominta labada Waaxda Caafimaadka Dadweynaha ee Labada Webi ama Waaxda Caafimaadka iyo Adeegyada Aadanaha ee Nebraska. Dukumiinti dabagal gudaha ah ayaa loo sameeyay si loo qoro taariikhaha, amarada caafimaadka, iyo shuruudaha go’doomin ee ardayda iyo shaqaalaha ku baahsan Degmada oo dhan, oo ay heli karaan oo keliya shaqaalaha degmada ee idman iyo Waaxda Caafimaadka Dadweynaha ee Labada Webi. Degmadu waxay u adeegsan doontaa boggeeda internetka inay daabacdo talooyinka hadda jira ee ku saabsan karantiilka iyo go’doominta sidoo kale waxay u adeegsaneysaa nidaamkeeda isgaarsiinta (emaylka, qoraalka, codka) iyo adeegyada tarjumaadda si loogu wargeliyo qoysaska.
Ardayda iyo shaqaalaha muujiya astaamaha COVID waxaa lagu dhiirigelinayaa inay guriga joogaan. Calaamadahaas waxaa lala socodsiin doonaa ardayda, qoysaskooda, iyo shaqaalaha turjumaadaha badan iyadoo la adeegsanayo degelka degelkiisa, barnaamijyada warbaahinta bulshada, iyo nidaamka isgaarsiinta. Macallimiinta beddelka ah ee la heli karo ayaa la aqoonsan doonaa oo maamulayaashu waxay gacan ka geysan doonaan horumarinta qorshooyinka shaqaalaha si ay u daboolaan fasallada xubnaha karantiilka ah ama kuwa go’doonsan.
vi. Tijaabada baarista iyo baaritaanka
Degmadu waa inay u dirtaa ardayda iyo shaqaalaha leh calaamadaha COVID goobaha baaritaanka cudurka bulshada. Haddii lagu taliyo baaritaanka cudurka ama baaritaanka oo laga helo iskuulada, Degmadu waxay ka faa’iideysan doontaa xarumaheeda ardayda iyo shaqaalaha bixiya ogolaanshaha la wargeliyay, waxayna tababar siinayaan kalkaaliyayaasha caafimaadka ee iskuulka laga yaabo inay gacan ka geystaan imtixaanka. Heerka gudbinta bulshada ayaa lala socon doonaa si loo ogaado in baaritaanka astaamaha aan la garan karin la damaanad qaadi karo iyo in kale. Degmadu waxay u isticmaali doontaa boggeeda internetka inay daabacdo talooyinka hadda jira ee ku saabsan karantiilka iyo go’doominta sidoo kale waxay u adeegsan doontaa degelkeeda, barnaamijyada warbaahinta bulshada, nidaamka isgaarsiinta, iyo adeegyada tarjumaadda si loo ogeysiiyo qoysaska..
vii. Dadaallada lagu bixinayo tallaalada bulshada iskuulka
Degmadu waxay sii wadi doontaa inay si wadashaqeyn leh ulashaqeyso Waaxda Caafimaadka Dadweynaha ee Labada Webi, bixiyeyaasha caafimaadka ee maxalliga ah, iyo hoggaamiyeyaasha kale ee bulshada si loo dhiirrigeliyo loona faafiyo macluumaadka ku saabsan tallaalka ardayda, shaqaalaha, iyo bulshada guud ahaan. Degmadu waxay sii wadi doontaa inay ka faa’iideysato degelkeeda, barnaamijyada warbaahinta bulshada, nidaamyada isgaarsiinta, adeegyada tarjumaadda farriimaha, iyo tas-hiilaadka dadaalkaan.
viii. U waafajin ku habboon carruurta naafada ah iyada oo la tixgelinayo siyaasadaha caafimaadka iyo badbaadada
Degmadu waxay la qabsan doontaa ka-reebnaanta borotokoolka COVID ee ay oggol yihiin IEP ardayga ama go’aannada kooxda 504 .
ix. Isuduwidda saraakiisha caafimaadka ee Gobolka iyo kuwa deegaanka. Oo ay ku jiraan baahiyaha taageerada iyo kaalmada farsamada si loo hirgaliyo istaraatiijiyooyin u dhigma sida ugu macquulsan, iyadoo la raacayo hagida CDC ee khuseysa
Shaqaalaha degmadu waxay sii wadi doonaan inay kaqeybqaataan fadhiyada usbuuclaha ah ee macluumaad wadaagida ee bixiyeyaasha daryeelka caafimaadka deegaanka, Waaxda Caafimaadka Dadweynaha ee Labada Webi, iyo hogaamiyaasha kale ee bulshada. Maamulayaasha degmadu waxay sii wadi doonaan inay kaqeybqaataan waaxda waxbarashada gobolka ee joogtada ah iyo xogwareysiga gavanaha..
Sii wadida Adeegyada
Baahida Tacliineed ee Ardayga. Degmadu waxay maalgashatay iPads, isku
xirnaanta wireless,barnaamijyada tacliinta iyo abaabulka, iyo tababarka ardayda
iyo shaqaalaha si loo hubiyosii wadida waxbarashadu waa in shaqsiyan barashadu
aysan suurta gal noqon. Ardayda waa la sii wadi doonaa in la siiyo meelayn sida ku
xusan qorshayaashooda IEP / 504 inta lagu jiro barashada fog. Wax ku biirinta
waalidka ayaa la raadin doonaa si loo sameeyo qorshe ku saabsan bixinta
adeegyada fog ee IEP. Horumarka ardayga waxaa dib u eegi doona kooxda ardayga
markii ay shaqsiyan waxbarashadu dib u bilaabato.
Dareenka bulshada, caafimaadka maskaxda, caafimaadka jirka, iyo adeegga cuntada. Degmadu waxay u hirgelinaysaa shaashad bulsho-shucuur guud ee ardayda iyo shaqaalaha laga bilaabo sanad dugsiyeedka 2021-2022. Hab bulsho, habdhaqan iyo shucuur iyadoo la adeegsanayo manhaj ku saleysan caddeyn, horumarin xirfadeed, iyo waxqabadyo ayaa la fulin doonaa. Shaqaale dheeraad ah ayaa la diyaariyey si ay gacan uga geystaan taageerada baahiyaha caafimaadka maskaxda ee dhammaan shaqaalaha iyo ardayda. La-taliyayaasha dugsiga iyo shaqaalaha kaalmaynta caafimaadka maskaxda ayaa loo heli doonaa arday kasta ama shaqaale u baahan caawimaad.
Lexington Public Schools
300 South Washington St
P.O. Box 890
Lexington, NE 68850
Copyright © Lexington Public Schools. All rights reserved.
Lexington Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, marital status, disability, or age or in admission or access to, or treatment of employment or educational programs and activities.
Complaints involving discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, marital status, disability, or age may also be submitted, at any time to the School District’s Title IX/504 coordinator. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the School District’s non-discrimination policies: Angie Kovarik, who may be contacted in writing at 300 South Washington Street, Lexington, NE 68850; by email:; or by telephone at (308) 324-1209. More information can be found at
Any person may also contact the Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, by email at; by telephone at (816) 268-0550; or by fax at (816) 268-0599, regarding compliance with the regulations implementing Title VI, Title IX, Section 504, or any other applicable laws.
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