Category: Lexington Middle School

Lexington Middle School

Reading Is Lit!

Reading Is Lit! (December 2021) In the final December days before break, Mr. West encouraged students and staff to cozy up with a good book.

Creation Lab Debut

November marked the opening for the Creation Lab, our LMS makerspace!  Every Monday after school, from 3:30 – 5:00 p.m., students can come to the

Lexington Middle School

8th Grade CPR

8th Grade CPR photos: Paul Pack Lexington Middle School 8th Grade students learning CPR.  

Lexington Middle School

9/11 Experience at LMS

9/11 Experience at LMS The 9/11 experience started up in our MS library today! Based on a poster exhibit, courtesy of the 9/11 Memorial &

6th Grade Library Orientation

Over 250 sixth graders successfully took Mrs. Hanna’s GooseChase library orientation challenge these past two days! Mrs. Jacob brought her sixth grade Language Arts students

Lexington Middle School

LMS Photo Club

LMS Photo Club Photos by paul pack

Lexington High School

Liberty Belles Dance Team Tryouts

Liberty Belles Dance Team Tryouts Open to students that will be attending Lexington High School in the 2021-22 school year. Anyone interested in trying out for

Bryan Elementary


No School January 26, 2021 School has been cancelled for tomorrow, 01/26/2021, due to inclement weather. Las clases se han cancelado para mañana, 01/26/2021, debido

Lexington Middle School

Middle School Wrestling November 17th

ATTENTION MIDDLE SCHOOL WRESTLING PARENTS: Due to capacity limits, Sunrise Middle School has contacted us to tell us that NO SPECTATORS will be allowed to