While you are trying to figure out what your next step after graduation should be, consider a career in a skilled trade industry. Take a serious look at what our community college system has to offer. The biggest news coming out of our nation’s capital is the need to rebuild our infrastructure. To complete the task of rebuilding our streets, roads and other municipal fixtures we need trained personnel to do the job. Skilled trades industries are looking for qualified workers. The traditional path of attending a four year college and getting an office job might not be for you. There is a high demand for skilled technical workers in our country, and that demand is growing. Technical schools offer training in a variety of skills that can get you into a skilled trade field making a good wage and doing something you will enjoy in just two short years. Enjoy the college experience. Take the time to make new friends and learn something new. At the end of the two years you will have a marketable skill, a small student loan debt, and be ready to enter the work force as a valuable trained employee in one of hundreds of in demand fields. Talk to your counselor, and find out what these fields have to offer. You may be missing out on a great opportunity.