If you have never had the opportunity to follow a special education teacher, it is something everyone should do.  The door is supposed to be locked for school safety but special education teachers do not stay in one place very long.  Someone needs this or another worksheet needs to be run off, could you please help me with this, IEP meetings, notes to run off, etc……  Special Education teachers are always on the move and that is something that is not about to change anytime soon.

    Statistics indicate that special education numbers are continuing to rise and are somewhat higher in many districts across Nebraska.  Along with that being said, there is a special education teacher shortage as well as in many other academic areas. Trends in special education also show that teacher/student ratios continue to rise in all areas, but especially in special education. 

      So many changes in education mean it is more important than ever to work together as a unified team.  The team includes parents, students, teachers, administrators, counselors and social workers.  The end of the year is coming and along with that brings many changes and items to be completed.  Does your child need summer school to make up a failed class?  If so, are they signed up and ready to dedicate the time to be successful? Are they checking their grades and missing assignments to make sure they are getting everything completed for their classes with good grades and on time?  Are they preparing for their tests and using the numerous Quizlets and study guides provided by their teachers to prepare for their tests?  Are they advocating for themselves and asking for help?  Teachers are available before and after school, and during homerooms to help.


     The Special Education door is always open and like I said is a revolving door of people there to help you with whatever you need. Unfortunately, our hearts are breaking at the high school as we say goodbye to Tiffany Claflin, Nicole Stewart and to Leah Keaschall who is moving to the elementary school.  They will be missed.  For all the rest of us, we want you to come be a part of the team that helps your child be successful and have all the opportunities they deserve.