Students in Mrs. Peterson’s classes are focused on becoming as independent as possible as they think about their futures. We do a lot of lessons in class about using money, scheduling and time, functional reading, and job skills. Possibly the best and most fun part of this learning is when we get to use our skills out and about. 
Weekly, students go to Walmart to find and purchase supplies for their cooking projects that usually happen on Friday. Once a week, they also practice staying active and using community resources by going to the YMCA. The Y has been very generous to provide adapted classes for our group and we are very grateful for their partnership. Another student works 4 days a week in the afternoon at 5 Star Flooring. They get on the job training in the business and have potential for future employment. Students also volunteer weekly at the Kearney Area Animal Shelter. Students go to clean the outside of the cat enclosure glass and help socialize the cats. The animal shelter is a favorite for a lot of our students and is great practice for a variety of jobs. 
Classroom work is an essential part of our education, but so much can also be learned by getting out into the community and trying new things. Whether Mrs. Peterson is your teacher or not, I encourage you to see what your community has to offer and be open to new adventures.