Mobile Food Pantry February 6, 2020

There will be a mobile food pantry at the Lexington Middle School on Thursday, February 6th  from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.  The food is available to you free of charge.  Each household will receive canned food, bread items, and  fresh fruits, and vegetables.  It is very important to bring boxes or bags to carry your food.  The food pantry will serve 300 households.  


Patrons will receive a line number based on the last name of the head of the household.  

This person must bring a form of ID.  

This information will be kept confidential!  


Households starting with the letters C,D,E may arrive at 3:30 p.m.  


A sign will be posted at the Lexington Middle School with arrival times for all households.  A line cannot be formed before 3:30.    The food pantry is sponsored by the Food Bank for the Heartland.

DISTRIBUTION GROUPS AND TIMES – PLEASE NOTE THE TIMES TO ARRIVE BASED ON THE ALPHABETICAL ROTATION SCHEDULE BELOW! This assures we are as fair to everyone as possible. DO NOT COME EARLY!! Patrons WILL NOT be allowed to park or stand on the school grounds before 3:30 PM. THIS WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED! Head of Household will be required to bring ID or proof of last name. Patrons without identifying information will not receive a number until 5:30 PM.

C, D, EMay park and get number starting at:3:30 PM
F, G, HMay park and get number starting at:3:50 PM
I, J, K, LMay park and get number starting at:4:10 PM
M, N, OMay park and get number starting at:4:30 PM
P, Q, RMay park and get number starting at:4:50 PM
S, T, UMay park and get number starting at:5:10 PM
V, W, X, Y, ZMay park and get number starting at:5:30 PM
A, BMay park and get number starting at:5:50 PM