If you are anything like me your phone is constantly getting calls and texts from all sorts of scammers.  It seems like every day I get messages like the following: “You won a free trip!”, “You owe the IRS $5,000”, or “Your warranty is about to expire”. While to most people these calls and messages are a slight annoyance, for others they can cost them greatly. Just two weeks ago an elderly woman in Hong Kong lost $32 million in a phone scam. Most of my students feel like they are too smart to fall for a scam but statistics show that 40% of the losses from scams and fraud are people 20-29 years old. By far the highest percentage of any age group. In my Personal Finance class, we discuss the different types of fraud and what the warning signs are that something is not right. We teach our students to be careful with their sensitive information at home and online and what to do if they suspect they have been a victim of fraud. I’m hopeful that when my students get the phone call, email, or mail that sounds fishy or too good to be true they will remember our discussion in class and ignore them.