Ms. Carol Carlson

As the Class of 2021 is leaving the halls of Lexington High School forever, they were asked to answer the following question:

“What has been one school memory you have from Lexington Public Schools?”

Here are some of the responses from seniors in English 4 and College English II:

Gabby Acencio: “My favorite school memory is riding the bus back home from a band competition.”

Janet Aguado-Mendez: “My favorite memory is going for an early morning run with the High School Cross Country Team. The boys always hid and scared girls. Cross Country Tradition.”

Angel Alvarez: “Playing basketball with my friends in Middle School.”

Daniel Arevalo: “During elementary school we used to go caroling for Christmas with the school choir.”

Paulina Arredondo: “I will always remember my homeroom teacher who helped me throughout high school.”

Sandra Avila: My favorite memory from Lexington Public Schools is when we got a new playground at Morton, because the old one caught on fire.

America Barraza: “Whenever we went on school trips, we’d always get sack lunches.”

Breanna Barraza: “A memory from elementary would be joining the after school program with all my friends. We would get snacks, activities, and even got to play outside for a couple of minutes.”

Emily Barron: “When I was Mr. Pico’s favorite student in 5th grade.”

Julissa Barrios: “One school memory is staying overnight at the zoo.”

Freddy Benitez: “I remember every year prior to senior year thinking that graduation was so far away.”

Joshua Bryan: “A memory I have is all of the people who greeted me on my first day here.”

Gabriel Bueno: “Playing basketball every day during middle school.”

Sara Cabrera-Molina: “One memory from Lexington Public Schools would be prom.”

Emely Carranza: “My favorite memory from Lexington Public Schools is making it to district finals my sophomore year.”

Shane Callahan: “When Keith promised us lemonade if we cheered at the pep rally, so the upperclassmen chanted “Where’s the lemonade!” This happened my freshman year.”

Junior Casillas: “The school memory that will stay with me was winning the 1st round of state. I scored a “screamer” and celebrated like we had won the World Cup.”

Britney Castaneda: “I remember in a band competition we had a slumber party under the bus seat. We were watching Winnie the Pooh.”

Luis Ceja: “My accident at Gering my freshman year.”

Jacob Chambers: “Watching freshmen stumble after walking on turf for the first time at their first band competition.”

Amya Cifuentes: “One school memory that I’ve had is my junior year Homecoming assembly.”

Leslie Con: “One school memory I have from LPS is my senior year I have all my classes with my best friend, and I got closer with a bunch of people.”

Noah Converse: “My favorite memory from LPS is when Mr. Koch took us outside for his reading class and played basketball with us.”

Kevin Corado: “My favorite memory was my last day in elementary school.”

Rene Corado: “One school memory I have from Lexington Public Schools was the fun van ride to Colby, Kansas, during wrestling.”

Eliza M. Cordova: “A memory from Lexington Public Schools is when we went on a trip for Passages, and we all had a good time without cellular devices.”

Daicy Corral-Alvidrez: “Quitting cheer.”

Kimberly Corzo: “One memory from LPS would be the time we made it to district finals for the first time in soccer my sophomore year.”

Lincy Covarrubias: “I remember when we went to the zoo and spent the night there.”

Marcus Cureton: “One thing I’ll remember about LHS is all the hours I spent helping other speech kids get ready to compete throughout the season.”

Magdalena Davalos-Perez: “When Harold ripped his pants for doing the splits in class back in Pershing Elementary.”

Angel De La Torre: “My favorite memory is getting Kearney Bound.”

Leilany Diaz: “When we went to the Omaha Zoo in 8th grade and my dad’s group was just running around while other groups were actually looking around in each animal section. Best time in my life. Also, staying overnight in the Aquarium guest room while watching a movie together was refreshing and calming.”

Holton Edeal: “My one memory from LPS would have to be 3rd grade with my favorite teacher Mrs. Pelster. She made it fun to want to go to school.”

Kyle Ellis: “I was on a powerlifting trip and failed two of my three attempts and went up to the school’s weight room and learned how to do a cartwheel.”

Andrea Estrada: “I have many memories, but one that continues to make me happy is when I was involved in photography.”

Liya Fine: “One memory would be making friends.”

Enrique Flores: “My best memory comes from sports while I was in 10th and 11th grades. I did cross country and track.”

Leonardo Flores: “I will always remember all the fun times my friends and I had.”

Fernando Galban-Francisco: “Every single day in LHS is a memory for me.”

Yoskar Galvan “When we beat Roncalli Catholic in the quarter finals in state.”

Xavi Galvan-Rodriguez: “One school memory I have from Lexington Public Schools is the rowdiness at the Clash of the Classes.”

Shelby Garcia: “FFA has been a memory from LPS.”

Adriana Gomez: “I remember going to a play for drama. The play was My Antonia by Willa Cather. I just remember having a great time with my boyfriend, who was my friend back then.”

Eduardo Gomez: “One memory I have from high school is COVID-19.”

Kim Gomez: “When I got to go to Wyoming with a few people from the speech team, and we would go to the pool. Clash of the Classes when we didn’t claim Keith and the seniors took him in.”

Nick Gomez: “When we fired up Ms. Carlson’s truck for the first time after swapping the engine in Mr. Schmidt’s class and celebrating with my classmates.”

Alejandra Gonzalez: “One school memory I have from LPS is the time I got my long hair stuck in the bolts of my school chair. This happened in 3rd grade, and it took over an hour to get most of my hair out.”

Andrea Gonzalez: “One memory from Lexington Public Schools that I have is when I finished building my coach table.”

Kevin Gonzalez: “One school memory from Lexington Public Schools is getting cut from the basketball team all four years.”

Henry Goodwin: “I remember freshman year as soon as we got out for winter break I slipped on the ice while on my bike. It really hurt.” : |

Evelyn Gonzalez: “One school memory from Lexington Public Schools would be strength and conditioning. Mainly because being in the class got me to start lifting, and I love it with a passion. I’ve learned so much over the years that has helped me in today’s time.”

Victor Guzman: “One memory I’ll remember is when I was nominated for a Homecoming candidate.”

Sandy Herrarte: “One memory from Lexington Public School was when we still had Homecoming Week even though there was a pandemic happening.”

Maria Herrera: “My first, last soccer game.”

Chantel Hogan: “My memory would be being in one-act with friends.”

Karly Huerta: “My favorite LPS memory is anything involving the Powerlifting Team. The team quickly became my family. I owe my college career to the team, which makes it possible for me to travel. They’re always my family, even after I leave.

Jasalynn Imler: “One of my favorite memories from Lexington Public Schools was my long conversations with Mrs. Benson.”

Juan Juarez: “One school memory from Lexington Public Schools is when Farhan and I got in a fight in 2nd grade at Sandoz, and have been great friends since then.”

Farhan Kassim: “I remember always fighting with Juan and Salvador at Sandoz Elementary.”

Megan Kuefner: “My favorite memory from Lexington Public Schools was getting shut in a locker during 7th grade. We were making a video for ‘The Tell-Tale Heart,’ and my classmates accidentally closed the door to the locker I was hiding in. They were laughing so hard that they weren’t able to unlock the locker for a couple of minutes. I was also shut in a locker during 8th grade.”

Darwin Lainez: “One memory is when I won Kearney Bound and getting called to the Community Room and calling my parents saying I won.”

Joselyn Landa: “One school memory would have to be all of the pep rallies we have had.”

Ivan Lazo: “My favorite school memory was medaling at state wrestling and overnight trips during the season.”

Tami Lehmkuhler: “One of my favorite memories is being on the Powerlifting team and coming together as a family to support one another.”

Jazmin Leon: “Meeting my closest friends Jason and Daicy.”

Luis Mejia: “One memory I have is when I went to Omaha my sophomore year, and I had so much fun!”

Mohamed Mohamed: “My 8th grade cross country season.”

Dameon Montey: “My one school memory from Lexington Public Schools was all my projects from 3-D Drafting class.”

Jade Morales: “One memory that I have had is the way I met my friends in my homeroom and other classes.”

Tony Morales: “The whole one act season my junior year. Made new friends and got closer to other friends.”

Joshua Morales-De Leon: “One school memory I have is the bus rides to games for soccer.”

Jackelin Morelos: “A school memory that I still remember is when we got to go to the zoo and spend the night there in the 7th grade.”

Caden Neben: “My best school memory is my first varsity football start, even though we lost it was still a game I proved myself in.”

Gisselle Ortega: “One memory I have from Lexington Public Schools is when our class stayed the night at the zoo.”

Jassmin Parada: “Homecoming Week: dressing up all week, the parade, the pep rally.”

Alexander Pedro: “One memory was from kindergarten when Mrs. K let the class have a nap and watch a movie after recess.”

Karely Perez: “One school memory I had from Lexington Public Schools was taking Passages my first semester of senior year. I got to know everyone and created memories with my fellow classmates.”

Miguel Perez: “One memory I have from Sandoz was that I would always bring Pokemon cards and show them off during recess and got them taken away.”

Victoria Perez: “One school memory was when I had to change seats during my American History II class, and I met my best friend.”

Kamryn Pike: “One of my favorite memories from my high school career was when I placed third at the Class B state powerlifting my sophomore year!”

Axel Pinedo: “One school memory that I have is when I got pooped on by a bat when the middle schoolers went to the Omaha Zoo.”

Jackie Quinonez: A school memory I have is when I held my cheer sign backward my freshman year.”

Natalie Renteria: “One school memory from Lexington Public Schools was prom. I was walking and tripped on my dress during walk-ins.”

Anthony Rodriguez: “One memory from LHS was my freshman year when we made it to the championship game in dodge ball.”

Julio Rodriguez: “The times I got to step on that [football] field on a Friday night with my brothers.”

Alisha Rojas: “My favorite LPS memory was when our FFA officers went to Indiana for National FFA. We had such a great time and got to go to the zoo. We also went to the mall and a Brett Young concert.”

Carlos Romero: “My favorite memory is all the wrestling camps and meets and trips we all experienced together.”

Mathew Salas: “When we walked through the middle school with the seniors, a kid put up his hand to give me a high five then psyched me.”

Omar Sanchez: “My favorite memory is when I had my first fight with Jr. in elementary school and couldn’t play soccer.”

Oscar Sanchez: “One memory that I have from Lexington Public Schools is just being able to make it all the way to my senior year. There were moments when I didn’t know if I was going to make it.”

Yadira Sanchez: “My favorite memory from LPS was UCA cheer camp my sophomore year because I created strong bonds and memories with my squad that I will carry for a lifetime.”

Morgan Smith: “Finishing last year’s yearbook remotely.”

Elmer Sotelo: “The best memory was when I met the best coach of all time . . . .”

Destiny Sullivan: “One memory from Lexington Public Schools is all the parties and events with my friends.”

Addie Sund: “My favorite school memory from LPS is having Mr. Zarate for two class periods.”

Jason Tovar: “One school memory from Lexington Public Schools was coming back down a goal at state soccer and winning in OT.”

Alexis Ureste: “Last year with my Cross Country friends.”

Amberly Villalon: “My favorite LPS memory was Mr. Zarate’s 50th birthday.”

Aimee Weinman: “One memory I had from Lexington Public Schools when I did volleyball, I broke one of the lights in the gym.”

Mackenzie West: “My best school memory was in 5th grade when Morgan Smith threw his hat up in the air and it stuck to the ceiling.”