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Feel Good Friday: LPS Staff Shout Out

feel good friday winner for january 21, 2022 was phil truax

Phil Truax is the Activities Director for Lexington Public Schools, and was nominated by Jose Monrroy for being someone who always leads with his heart when it comes to working with staff and students. Mr. Truax’s ability to be a genuine team player, and an effective leader, has earned him an LPS Shout Out!


When asked what he loves most about LPS, Mr. Truax said he enjoys the opportunity to interact with staff and students every day. Whether you see him at an activity, or in the hallway, he always has a smile, and a kind word to uplift others. Mr. Truax has a knack for always finding the good in others, and making sure they build upon it.


Phil is married to Kristin, his wife of 20 years, and they have three sons who all attend school in the district. Dru is a junior at LHS, Bryant is a 7th grader at LMS, and Tysyn is a 3rd grader at Bryan Elementary. Mr. Truax states that they are fortunate to be a part of St. Ann’s Catholic Church.


When asked if there is anything he would like to say to inspire gratitude in others, Mr. Truax said, “If you’re feeling a lack of joy during your work in our community, take a quick inventory of all the things you have to be grateful for. After looking over our lists, almost all of us have a reason to be joyful. Let’s lift each other up, and pass it around!” We couldn’t agree more, Mr. Truax!


Congratulations on your nomination! LPS is proud to have you on our team!

What are feel good Fridays?

Feel Good Fridays are celebrated the first and third Friday of every month where one staff member of LPS is recognized for their hard work and dedication they provide to the district. All staff members have the opportunity to nominate their colleagues in the days before the drawing.  All nominations are entered into a random drawing and one staff member is selected to be the spotlight for that week. Our winner receives a bouquet sponsored by Plum Creek Market Place Floral Department and a gift card donated by USave Pharmacy and Gifts.  It is our hope through spreading kindness and an attitude of gratitude we will continue to strengthen a positive culture at LPS.