Welcome to room 119 where students are learning all about different kinds of history. Although the school year has just begun we have been busy in both American History and Western Civilization. The first unit we covered in American History was our nation’s founding documents including the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the three branches of government. American History students spent time to complete a mobile using hangers to explain the three branches of government.

     In Western Civilization, we kicked the year off learning about Middle Eastern religions. The first religion that was discussed was Judaism. Even during these uncertain times, I wanted the students to be able to hear from others about these religions which led to virtual guest speakers! To broaden the students understanding of Judaism and their culture Dawn Mollenkopf who is a professor at the University of Nebraska at Kearney share what Jews believe. We just wrapped up learning about Christianity this week and had a range of pastors answer questions that the students had. Each student wrote a response regarding what they learned from Dr. Mollenkopf and the pastors I would encourage you to ask of these students about what they learned!

Dr. Mollenkopf

Virtual speakers for Christianity