NSAA B-7 Sub-district Volleyball

Due to State Directed Health Measures limiting indoor capacity to 50%, the NSAA B-7 Sub-district VB tournament held in Lexington on Tuesday and Wednesday (Oct. 27/28) will follow the protocol listed below:
1.  Masks required for all spectators in attendance.
2.  Fans will only be allowed to attend one game.
3.  The entry time frame for Game 1 (Lexington vs. Holdrege) will be 4:00 – 5:30.  Doors will lock at 5:30. 
Game time is 5:00 p.m.
4.  The entry time frame for Game 2 (Hastings vs. McCook) will be 6:30 – 7:30. 
Game time is 7:00 p.m. 
5.  The gym will be cleared after Game 1.  All spectators will be required to leave the facility.
7.  The game will be broadcast on KAMI (100.1 or 92.7 FM)  or audio streamed at KRVN.com