The ACT test is a national test and is one of two tests that many four-year college institutions recognize for admission and awarding academic scholarships. Your son/daughter’s ACT test could result in thousands of dollars in scholarship offerings! 


There are various dates that the ACT is offered nationwide to students. In order to sign up, students must visit to get registered. Lexington High School’s counseling staff can help students get registered. Below are the dates for upcoming ACT tests. Note that students must register about a month before the date of the actual test.


Upcoming dates:


All juniors at LHS have taken the ACT once already in March, as this is now the Nebraska state test. This was provided to them at no cost. It is a student’s choice if they wish to take it again as colleges and scholarships take the highest score from the student. 


Note: students who qualify for free or reduced lunch can receive a waiver for the test fee of $63 for the test with no writing. The fee for students who wish to take the writing test will be $88.