With the second semester up and running, the Sophomore English Honors classes are beginning to work on research papers. During the first semester, the classes reviewed various aspects of writing – from working on parallel structure to active voice – to prepare for this huge project.

     Starting the second semester, the students learned correct MLA citations through the No Red Ink program. They also reviewed Lexington High School’s extensive databases – through a presentation by Mrs. Buck, LHS Librarian – to help research the most current topics. LHS databases currently include: Ebsco, netTrekker, Gale Opposing Viewpoint Resource Center, Nebraska Access, World Book Online and Medline Plus.

     Students are encouraged to choose a topic they are interested in and write one of two types of papers – analytical or argumentative.

     Students will follow a step-by-step process with various deadlines to put together their five-page paper. Students will: choose a topic, highlight articles, create a Works Cited page, compose Note Cards, create an Outline, write Main Ideas and finally put a final research paper together.

     Students are given various handouts including samples of correct research aspects of papers, a final checklist and a grading rubric. The rubric allows students to see and know the various standards they will be graded on.