Mr. Flores

Intermediate Spanish


          In quarter 3, we are on Unit 4 covering the topic of nature. In this unit, we are learning about environmental problems, like how humans contaminate the water, air, deforestation, trash, etc. This unit is to help spread awareness on the environment’s current situation. Currently, the students are investigating a group of 12 vocabulary words. Finding the definition, picture, if it’s good or bad, and they give their own opinion about the word. Another activity that we are working on is putting together videos to share with family or friends about environmental problems. I give examples on how to create ways at home to help the problem, like recycling at home or picking up trash when they see it. The students were taught the colors of the recycling bins and how to use them properly. Another thing that we are working on is encouraging students to plant at least one tree at their own homes or a park nearby this spring. We are encouraging them to use bicycles or to walk to where they need to go if it’s close by to help our environment. We hope that this unit is an eye opener for the students and helps them realize that our environment needs help.