Just over thirty Lexington High School students were selected to participate in a grant funded College/Career Search & Investigate (CSI) Transition Event sponsored by the Nebraska Department of Education and the Central Region Transition Cadre. This first of three College & Career Explore events was held on Tuesday, November 22, 2022, on the Mid Plains Community College campus in North Platte, Nebraska.
Participating students toured both the north and south campuses of MPCC – North Platte observing a variety of learning environments, career fields, campus life, and student support systems. Students focused on the types of post-secondary training available in the Health Sciences, the Skilled and Technical Sciences, and Business, Marketing and Management. They further explored organization and options within each career cluster, college life, and prerequisite skills/educational preparation and requirements. Students also participated in a question/answer session where they discussed admissions requirements, program offerings, and how to access Disability Services and student supports (accommodations) while in college.
At the end of this transition event, students completed a “Rate Your Day” evaluation of their experiences. This feedback revealed the “hands-on activities” in each scholastic/career area, the Disabilities Services presentation, the tour of the campuses, and “college cuisine” were key event highlights. According to Shelby Freeland, an LHS sophomore in Ms. Archer’s Career Exploration class, “Having this college experience was really nice. I liked my tour guide because he is a student at North Platte right now and shared a lot about college life. Being on campus made college seem a choice that I need to consider for my future. I’m so glad I had the chance to participate.”
The next grant funded CSI Transition Event sponsored by the Nebraska Department of Education and the Central Region Transition Cadre will be held in February 2023. For further information regarding this and additional transitional events/opportunities, please contact Becky Archer, LPS Transition Coordinator, at becky.archer@www.lexschools.org.