Eighteen Lexington High School students from Ms. Archer’s Career Exploration Intro. Course were among the 52 Nebraska high school students selected to participate in the grant funded Career Day Business Tours Transition Event sponsored by the Nebraska Department of Education, Nebraska Central Region Transition Cadre, Educational Service Unit #10 and Lexington Public Schools.


This transition field experience was held approximately two weeks ago in Kearney, NE. Participating students toured two businesses in the morning – observing different work environments and career fields. Students focused on the types of jobs and vocations available, organization and options within each business, employability skills, work-related social abilities, entrepreneurship, and prerequisite skills/educational preparation and requirements. Businesses graciously participating in the morning tours included the Muscle Car Factory and Sayler Screen Printing.


Next, students toured and ate lunch at Cunningham’s Journal on the Lake. This dining opportunity allowed students to experience both working and dining in a sit-down restaurant.


In the afternoon, participating students toured the Viaero Event Center where they explored the various occupations in this setting including sports management, concessions, event planning, stage crew, athletes, athletic training, ticket sales, advertising, and various business and safety careers. Additionally, students observed a portion of the Tri-City Storm Hockey Team goalie practice and were given vouchers to attend one of this season’s remaining hockey games.


At the end of this transition event, students completed a “Rate Your Day” evaluation of their experiences. This feedback revealed meeting with the small-business owners, touring the businesses, “hands-on activities”, and the “excellent cuisine” were key event highlights. According to Jerely Bran, an LHS sophomore in Ms. Archer’s Career Exploration class, “The Kearney business tours were amazing. I really learned a lot about what it takes to own a business, about a variety of different cool careers, and what skills are needed to succeed on the job. I’m so glad I got to participate today – it was GREAT!”


For further information regarding this and additional transitional events/opportunities, please contact Becky Archer, LPS Transition Coordinator, at becky.archer@www.lexschools.org.