It has been a busy couple of weeks for the Lexington FFA Chapter! Our members have put in a lot of time preparing for our district’s Leadership Development Events (LDE’s) and Career Development Events (CDE’s.) Currently this is our chapter’s busy time! Given the craziness of this year, we have all learned to adapt to a new sense of learning, competing, and definitely being flexible in dealing with a pandemic!


During our LDE Contest Events we had the following members/teams place:

In the Agriculture Demonstration Event, we had a team place 2nd and qualify for state. That team consisted of Keri Smith, Molly Dowling, and Kylie Sellers. In the individual Natural Resources Speaking Event, we had Hunter Stewart place 2nd and qualify for state. In the individual Cooperative Speaking Event, we had Tami Lehmkuhler place 2nd. She is an alternate at state for our district.


During our February CDE Contest Events we had the following members/ teams place:

The Vet Science team placed 4th overall. Keri Smith and Molly Dowling both tied for 1st place individually.