Recently Foundations of Leadership Students (ninth graders) from the twelve core classes took time to initiate their study on heroes and leaders by creating sculptures (tape-covered body wraps). The students first had an opportunity to view a movie that depicted elements of leadership or a character that used leadership skills to overcome challenges. Traits included resiliency, vulnerability, courage to overcome stereotypes, handling racism and sexism, taking initiative, and contribution, to name a few.


After viewing the films, groups quickly worked to design a sculpture to depict a scene from the movie that illustrated leadership traits or created a sculpture to reveal leadership traits in general. To create the sculptures, students wrapped a classmate in plastic wrap and then covered it with clear tape. The student was then cut out from the model and then the tape-wrapped model was filled with paper or other items to create a scene.


Some of the tape-wrapped sculptures included Jackie Robinson who overcame the burdens of race barriers, rock climber Alex Honnold who demonstrated resolve and courage, and Katherine Johnson who represented Black women mathematicians who worked for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration during the Space Race in the 1960s.


Each class displayed their final product and had student representatives share the significance of the art piece.