The special education department will be busy this fourth quarter tying up loose ends. Staff will be completing the rest of our IEP’s, updating transition plans, and getting our Seniors ready for their post-secondary plans. Our teachers are working hard with students to help them meet their goals so they will finish strong and be prepared for next school year.

     Special education staff at the Central Office are also starting to train our staff on Trauma-informed teaching. This has become a crucial element of education today. Trauma-informed teaching looks at how trauma impacts a student’s learning and behavior. Each person does not react to trauma identically, but it does cause many students to slow down, fall behind, and in some cases interfere with learning all together.

     As always, we care about our students and want to be here to help them in any way possible. If you have concerns about your child, please contact your Special Education case manager. We are here to help and advocate for your child.