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Feel Good Friday: LPS Staff Shout Out

feel good friday winner for December 3, 2021 was randi todd.

Feel Good Friday winner for December 3, 2021 is Randi Todd.


Randi Todd is a 3rd grade teacher at Sandoz Elementary and the Cheer Coach for LHS.  When asked what she enjoys most about working at LPS, Randi shared that she loves how LPS has given her so many opportunities.  She started her teaching career here and has learned a lot.  The thing she enjoys most about LPS is working with all of the students and families.  She loves how all of her students come every day with a smile on their faces. Randi shared that she enjoys teaching at Sandoz as she loves all of her co-workers who have become family.  


Cheerleading is another huge part of Randi’s job.  Randi loves being a mentor and coach to all of the girls and boy on her squad.  She shared it is such a reward to watch them grow through high school not only as cheerleaders but also as young adults.


When we asked Randi what she would say to inspire gratitude in others, she said always appreciates the kindness in others and can’t wait to pay it forward. 


Congratulations, Randi!  LPS appreciates all you do, and we are proud of you!

What are feel good Fridays?

Feel Good Fridays are celebrated the first and third Friday of every month where one staff member of LPS is recognized for their hard work and dedication they provide to the district. All staff members have the opportunity to nominate their colleagues in the days before the drawing.  All nominations are entered into a random drawing and one staff member is selected to be the spotlight for that week. Our winner receives a bouquet sponsored by Plum Creek Market Place Floral Department and a gift card donated by USave Pharmacy and Gifts.  It is our hope through spreading kindness and an attitude of gratitude we will continue to strengthen a positive culture at LPS.