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Feel Good Friday: LPS Staff Shout Out

feel good friday winner for APRIL 8, 2022 was ALMA BECERRA

Alma Becerra is our Community and Family Liaison for the Migrant Education Program.  Alma was nominated by Marni Baker, Migrant Coordinator.  Marni shared that she wanted to thank Alma for all of the work she put into helping with the MEP Parent Conference. She went on to say, “Alma has such a big heart for families and often goes above and beyond to make sure families are getting what they need. I appreciate that she always strives to do what she can to help others and this was evident the day of the MEP conference. She was busy interpreting, helping families get to where they needed to be, and even registered families ahead of time.”


When asked what she enjoys most about working at LPS, she said she enjoys forming relationships with families and helping to fill the needs of families and students.


Alma has worked in the district for 24 years and has loved every day of it!  When not at work, she spends time with her husband and 3 sons who also live in Lexington. Her hobbies consist of teaching a Mexican Folkloric Dance group called Raices de Mi Tierra(Roots of our Land).  The group has been practicing and performing at local events in Lexington and out of state for over 20 years with students from LPS.


When asking about gratitude, Alma shared that it is very gratifying to be able to give back to the community in her role.  She enjoys being able to help students meet their goal of graduating and continue their education just like the many educators from LPS in her sons’ lives did for them. Alma continually helps families with their needs by helping them find resources and showing them opportunities where they too, can give back to the community.  Alma shared she has a lot to be thankful to the district for and will continue to give as her family was given.


We appreciate all you do for our LPS team, students, and families, Alma!  Congratulations!

What are feel good Fridays?

Feel Good Fridays are celebrated the first and third Friday of every month where one staff member of LPS is recognized for their hard work and dedication they provide to the district. All staff members have the opportunity to nominate their colleagues in the days before the drawing.  All nominations are entered into a random drawing and one staff member is selected to be the spotlight for that week. Our winner receives a bouquet sponsored by Plum Creek Market Place Floral Department and a gift card donated by USave Pharmacy and Gifts.  It is our hope through spreading kindness and an attitude of gratitude we will continue to strengthen a positive culture at LPS.