Teachers in CTE classes work to provide instruction in a way that reaches students’ interests and provides real world experiences. The concepts and skills taught in these classes are designed to provide the learner with the skills needed to be successful in 21st century careers. Promoting classes and student accomplishments can have a positive effect on the perceptions student parents and instructional leaders have of the class. Showcasing the talents of students in CTE classes can be a point of pride to the students involved. Allowing students to bring their background, culture, and interests into these classes can develop an interest in the careers these classes prepare them for.
Teaching concepts in a way that involves hands on practical use of math and science these students can understand the concepts as they apply to industry and hopefully their futures. Bringing in former students who have the same background as current students to discuss the career paths that they are pursuing can build interest by providing an example of what is possible. Providing internships and modified work experience in local industries allows students to identify uses of the material they are learning.
CTE instructors do amazing projects in their classrooms that build interest in the course, and the fields relevant to the material. Advertising by showcasing some of the projects, and solutions designed by students can increase interest in the courses. Including student work that displays their cultural backgrounds can help alleviate some of the anxiety students have about taking courses that they feel are beyond their ability. Students who struggle in traditional classes often thrive in the environment of CTE courses. Student imagination, creativity, and ingenuity are often more important than having a background in the material the course is teaching. Interest is the most important thing in any course. If students do not think the material is relevant to them they will often do poorly in the class. Designing projects around student relevant material can build the interest the students need to be successful. Presenting the material by introducing relevant real-world experiences, and designing these experiences to include a scaffolded approach to the material reinforces the skills the students may have missed in the past.